Lista de Troféus ( 146.531 )
きみとまた ひまりルートを読み終えた |
100.00% Comum |
GTR Unlocked new car! |
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彼女の手料理 「彼女の手料理」を開始しました。 |
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Recovering Buy 1 heart |
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CONGRATULATIONS 全てのエンディングを見た |
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燃え尽きぬ愛 黒木のExtra Storyをクリアした |
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Dragons Who Crusade Through the Stars Enter the training room with every dragon. (Now that you're ready to fight, you can approach whoever you want.) |
100.00% Comum |
Romantic Explorer Achieved 100% Location Points Found |
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Sixth Level Complete the 6th level |
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Game Completed Energy Cycle is complete |
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Supernova! Solve SUPERNOVA |
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TIPSコンプリート 全てのTIPSをオープンしました。 |
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リシアおまけ1 リシアのおまけシナリオ1を見た |
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飛車角にタッチ 時計モードで飛車角にタッチしました。 |
100.00% Comum |
One Day at DARPA Complete all DARPA training exercises. |
100.00% Comum |
8-bit Beat the First Boss |
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結姫 結姫(ムスビヒメ)を読了 |
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To the Will of Evil Cleared the Prologue of Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy Arc. |
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鏡アフター 鏡アフター読了 |
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Mail Man Sell all the gas stamps before the time runs out. |
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あーんってして下さい、あーん 喜多メイルートをクリアした |
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Master of Chest Opening Opened 5 skeleton chest |
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Boss Beaten: Metal Slug 6 Defeat the 1st boss in Metal Slug 6. |
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文句があるならマルセイユへいらっしゃい ブリュエットのシナリオをクリアしました。 |
100.00% Comum |
Earth elemental mastery Reach the exit |
100.00% Comum |
Self-improvement Buy an upgrade |
100.00% Comum |
Professional Complete 20 levels. |
100.00% Comum |
ICOマスター 全てのICOを集めた。 |
100.00% Comum |
エリィとの絆 エリィとの絆を深めた。 |
100.00% Comum |
GLO Obtain all other trophies |
100.00% Comum |
Finished! Finish all the levels |
100.00% Comum |
A Job Well Done Cleared Arcade Mode with any character. |
100.00% Comum |
First Preset Medley Play a Preset Medley for the first time. |
100.00% Comum |
Expert Datemeister Date all dates! |
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獨善其身 對自己使用連擊。 |
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Treasure Opener Lvl 2 Open 6 treasures |
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Beat School: Synth Madness 2 Complete the Beat School level. |
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葉月・奥羽 太陽との邂逅を果たした証。 |
100.00% Comum |
The Best Snowman Ever! Build a snowman in Snowy Mountain. |
100.00% Comum |
Total Conquest Acquired all trophies. |
100.00% Comum |
Lamb is Born First lamb born! |
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Sticky player Caught ball 3 times with sticky paddle without losing life. |
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Captain Destroy 20 tanks in battle. |
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Got No Strings Defeat Donna and Angie. |
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Haul Score 4 goals in a match with the same player |
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Level 7 Complete the seventh level |
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The Joy of Aiming Kill [5] enemies with headshots |
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Get Physical Seal out an attacking player to gain possession of the ball |
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Exterminator Defeat the Cepedes of Abandoned Mines |
100.00% Comum |
Gatomon's Partner Used Gatomon in Battle Mode 20 or more times. |
100.00% Comum |