Lista de Troféus ( 146.531 )
Talked to the Hero Talk to Lenda do Herói's Hero |
100.00% Comum |
Keeping It Wheel Find 100 words in a single puzzle |
100.00% Comum |
You caught 12 baseballs! You caught 12 baseballs! |
100.00% Comum |
Second Day Second Day - Chapter 2 |
100.00% Comum |
I kinda like this place Play for 5 minutes |
100.00% Comum |
Who's the Prey? Clear the first fight against the Hunter robots |
100.00% Comum |
Slay them all! Defeat 50 enemies |
100.00% Comum |
Scary skeletons Beat the 3-1 stage |
100.00% Comum |
Exterminator Buy any cat upgrade. |
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Stacked Get one upgrade medal. |
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They fall like flies Defeat 400 enemies. |
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Expanding Future Cleared the God of Destruction Beerus Saga! |
100.00% Comum |
Nasty toad Defeat a toad. |
100.00% Comum |
Check Out the New Threads Create ALTERNATE ATTIRE for a CREATED SUPERSTAR and new THREADS for a WWE SUPERSTAR. |
100.00% Comum |
Killer Killer Harpoon a killer whale. |
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Level 19 Complete Level 19 |
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Egg Thief Get 20 Golden Eggs. |
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Antiques shop Visit antiques shop |
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Cause of Death: Suicide Commit suicide |
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King Krushed Defeat King Krunky |
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デストロイヤー ステージにある橋を破壊する。 |
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Ollie attack Jump on an enemy |
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Shouldn't it be on the sea? Kill a Manta |
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Devil Hunter Kill 1,000 enemies. |
100.00% Comum |
The Killer Got Away Can't find the killer. |
100.00% Comum |
Hunter's Ending Collector Play all of Hunter's routes. |
100.00% Comum |
Resource Level I Collect 20 materials |
100.00% Comum |
Pickled Plums Ate pickled plums. |
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Time Hunter III Survive 4 minutes |
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Fighter Complete level 1. |
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I love meat so much! It's always with me... Finish the game |
100.00% Comum |
Just Shoot Me Select every wrong letter before completing a phrase |
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Bullet Absorber Absorb a total of 10 bullets. Must be completed in one game session. |
100.00% Comum |
ボウリング上手な綾希ちゃん 綾希にボウリングを教えてもらいました。 |
100.00% Comum |
Cold Sake and Water Obtained Key "True Evil." |
100.00% Comum |
飛び立ったその先で 『琴莉 Rebirth』BEST ENDをクリア |
100.00% Comum |
Memories with Lupin Unlock all Lupin images |
100.00% Comum |
What's this yellow thing? Get a coin |
100.00% Comum |
隣で輝く太陽 優理ルートをクリアした |
100.00% Comum |
Maverick is Best Boi... Dragon Clear level A-10. |
100.00% Comum |
言いづらいんだったら、私が言ってあげようか? 「桜木橋理兎」ルートに入った |
100.00% Comum |
Beginner's Luck Won your first skirmish. |
100.00% Comum |
I found my way Cleared the first trial. |
100.00% Comum |
Hangry Birds Have all 3 Pelicans get angry during the Feeding Mini-Game |
100.00% Comum |
Transcontinental Fly continuously for 60 seconds |
100.00% Comum |
The Car Keys Find the car keys |
100.00% Comum |
ずっと好きでいられる『貴方』の妻です 「泉戸ましろ」ルートをクリアした |
100.00% Comum |
クローディアおまけシナリオ クローディアのおまけシナリオを見た |
100.00% Comum |
ムービー全回収 全てのムービーを見ました。 |
100.00% Comum |
彼女の幸福に捧ぐ バッドエンド1を見た |
100.00% Comum |