Lista de Troféus ( 146.531 )
Happyappya Found "Primeval Dance." |
100.00% Comum |
続く幸せ、抱き合う家族 『柚莉 Birth』BEST END-Aをクリア |
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Beside the Detective Clear Sholmès' route |
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Not good Hit a homless guy |
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縁の下の出会い 朝陽ルートに入った |
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Intrepid Dragon Clear level A-8. |
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自堕落な罪深き部屋 初めてイベントCGを見た |
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Healthy diet Found a fruit or vegetable in the island. |
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explore the market explore the market |
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Top Gunner Shoot down a Spire missile with a blast while hovering |
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The Fist-Gun Find the fist-gun |
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大好きよ、空――! 「西条緋文」ルートをクリアした |
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リシアED リシアEDをクリア |
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完全読了 全てのシーンを読了しました。 |
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にゅーの声 第10章を全て読んだ |
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Pacemaker Earn at least 3 stars on "Peacemaker" on Expert Bass. |
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死神誕生 一姫が“タナトス・システム”になるまでの経緯を知った |
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Learning to spell Collect the B-A-K-E cookies in one level |
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AFTERSTORY All Complete! AFTERSTORYを全てオープンした |
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空から少女 第一話『空から少女』読了 |
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Access key for KARUMARUKA:色欲 ニコルルートに入った |
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Drac Pack Have 5 of each Impa type at once for more than 5 seconds |
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Perfected: Metal Slug Beat Metal Slug with 5 or fewer continues. |
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희미한 빛 Chapter 0에서 모든 엔딩 목록을 확인한다. |
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Ice mastery Reach the exit |
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15 Minutes of Fame Online: play for 15 minutes |
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All Bark and no Bite Assassinate Wade |
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Sergeant Don't call me sarge. |
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First Statue Collector Collect 1 Suicide Guy |
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湊のシナリオを開始 湊のシナリオルートに進みました。 |
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Trained to Perfection Defeat 10 enemies with Gamora's Executioner ability. |
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滅絶淘汰 一度の戦闘で16体の敵を倒した。 |
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Death IV Die 20 times |
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Finish Level 3 of "Story Mode" with at least 30 points Finish Level 3 of "Story Mode" with at least 30 points |
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First Football Victory Win a Football game. |
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I am the Puzzle Starter Theta Start 8 puzzles |
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Veteran Wizard Reached Character Rank 7. |
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夾娃娃機玩家 玩夾娃娃機夾到了獎品 |
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Stage 43 Completed Save the princess at stage 43 |
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Beat School: A Rolling Frolic Complete the Beat School level. |
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高慢の乙女 「高慢の乙女」をクリアしました。 |
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Destroy 2 obstacles Destroy 2 obstacles while running. |
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熱情炎舞 獲得PANTHER的所有大師技藝 |
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Elusive Hero Killer Cleared Mission ‘Practice Run’. |
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Box hater Push 5 different boxes from the level into the sky. |
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7 lives win Completed a level with 7 lives remaining. |
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Congratulations! You can now buy bread Get all treasures on 1 level |
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Fiery Wrath Pop a dragon that fires fast (the red one). |
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Gatcha Gatcha! Unlocked half the prizes in Mini Bots (playing as the VR player). |
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So dark. So dungeon Complete the level 11 and collect all treasures! |
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