Reached level 40
Reached player level 40. |
27/12/2020 07:59:32 |
80.00% Comum |
All Ancient Vessels found
Found all the Ancient Vessels. |
27/12/2020 02:21:28 |
66.67% Comum |
Saved Meridian from its foe
Helped Erend investigate Ersa's fate, and foiled a plot against Meridian. |
27/12/2020 02:13:59 |
86.67% Comum |
Hunted Redmaw with Talanah
Rose through the ranks of the Hunters Lodge and helped Talanah defeat Redmaw. |
27/12/2020 00:38:54 |
60.00% Comum |
All Combat machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine. |
27/12/2020 00:08:36 |
80.00% Comum |
All Suns at one Ground
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground. |
26/12/2020 22:36:28 |
66.67% Comum |
Blazing Suns at one Ground
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground. |
26/12/2020 22:36:28 |
53.33% Comum |
Learned of the ancient past
Learned of the ancient past at Maker's End. |
26/12/2020 21:46:06 |
86.67% Comum |
3 Strikes From Above
Killed 3 enemies using the Strike from Above skill. |
26/12/2020 21:08:22 |
80.00% Comum |
Reached level 25
Reached player level 25. |
26/12/2020 19:06:19 |
86.67% Comum |
All Recon machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine. |
26/12/2020 02:47:44 |
86.67% Comum |
10 Vulnerable machine kills
Killed 10 machines weak to Fire while burning, or weak to Freeze while frozen. |
26/12/2020 02:35:05 |
86.67% Comum |
Victorious with the War-Chief
Found the Nora War-Chief and defeated the killers in the Ring of Metal. |
25/12/2020 23:21:40 |
86.67% Comum |
Headshot 30 human enemies
Killed 30 human enemies by landing headshots on them. |
25/12/2020 17:27:11 |
86.67% Comum |
Fought back the corruption
Destroyed the corruption inside the Nora valley. |
25/12/2020 17:24:08 |
86.67% Comum |
First Banuk Figure found
Found a wooden effigy left by a Banuk traveler. |
25/12/2020 14:38:07 |
60.00% Comum |
First Core Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information. |
25/12/2020 13:28:32 |
86.67% Comum |
First Tallneck Overridden
Scaled a Tallneck and accessed its information. |
25/12/2020 02:29:10 |
86.67% Comum |
First Ancient Vessel found
Found an ancient vessel once used by the Old Ones. |
25/12/2020 02:12:07 |
86.67% Comum |
First Bandit Camp cleared
Took back a settlement from a bandit clan. |
25/12/2020 02:07:18 |
86.67% Comum |
First Metal Flower found
Discovered a strange metal flower. |
25/12/2020 00:12:03 |
86.67% Comum |
First Vantage found
Found and accessed a Vantage datapoint. |
25/12/2020 00:04:52 |
86.67% Comum |
Reached level 10
Reached player level 10. |
25/12/2020 00:01:48 |
86.67% Comum |
First Corrupted Zone cleared
Killed all the corrupted machines in a Corrupted Zone. |
25/12/2020 00:01:46 |
86.67% Comum |
Stealth killed 10 machines
Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines. |
24/12/2020 23:25:31 |
86.67% Comum |
Triumphed in the Proving
Overcame adversity and placed first in the Proving. |
24/12/2020 21:55:11 |
86.67% Comum |
Defeated the Sawtooth
Defeated the Sawtooth that threatened the Nora. |
24/12/2020 20:59:18 |
86.67% Comum |
Tore off 10 components
Detached 10 components from machines during combat. |
24/12/2020 20:10:06 |
86.67% Comum |
First Modification
Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit. |
24/12/2020 19:59:30 |
86.67% Comum |
Followed Rost's teachings
Learned to hunt and fight alongside Rost. |
24/12/2020 18:55:20 |
93.33% Comum |
Master of Fate
Earn all FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE trophies. |
20/12/2020 07:07:25 |
16.67% Incomum |
Ultimate Weapon
Defeat the Pride and Joy prototype. |
20/12/2020 07:07:25 |
16.67% Incomum |
Dressed to the Nines
Obtain all nine bridal candidate outfits. |
20/12/2020 04:56:28 |
16.67% Incomum |
Best in the Business
Complete all quests. |
20/12/2020 04:46:44 |
25.00% Incomum |
Hardened Veteran
Complete all chapters on Hard difficulty. |
19/12/2020 21:00:42 |
16.67% Incomum |
Weapons Expert
Learn all weapon abilities. |
19/12/2020 03:38:57 |
16.67% Incomum |
Master of Mimicry
Learn all enemy skills. |
19/12/2020 03:24:34 |
16.67% Incomum |
That's the Smell
Defeat a malboro. |
19/12/2020 03:00:38 |
16.67% Incomum |
Divine Gratitude
Receive a letter from an angel. |
18/12/2020 19:20:09 |
25.00% Incomum |
Intelligence Agent
Complete all battle intel reports. |
18/12/2020 04:40:08 |
16.67% Incomum |
The Johnny Experience
Witness all Johnny-related incidents. |
17/12/2020 22:30:28 |
25.00% Incomum |
Building Character
Attain level 50 with a character. |
16/12/2020 20:53:27 |
16.67% Incomum |
Biker Boy
Get praised by Jessie at the end of the motorcycle mini-game. |
16/12/2020 06:10:57 |
16.67% Incomum |
Destiny's Crossroads
Complete Chapter 18. |
16/12/2020 05:52:39 |
50.00% Comum |
Emerging from Chaos
Complete Chapter 17. |
16/12/2020 04:01:19 |
50.00% Comum |
No Appointment Needed
Complete Chapter 16. |
15/12/2020 05:09:10 |
50.00% Comum |
Staggering Feat
Deal 300% damage to a staggered enemy. |
15/12/2020 04:21:21 |
16.67% Incomum |
Disc Jockey
Collect all music discs. |
15/12/2020 02:21:22 |
25.00% Incomum |
The Pizza in the Sky
Complete Chapter 15. |
14/12/2020 07:09:21 |
50.00% Comum |
Picking Up the Pieces
Complete Chapter 14. |
14/12/2020 06:15:20 |
50.00% Comum |