Divisional Commander
Prestige a Division in Multiplayer when playing online. |
42.86% Comum |
Don't Underestimate Earth!
Practice - Complete 30 Different Combo Challenges. |
42.86% Comum |
Soap on a Rope
Storm the gulag. |
42.86% Comum |
Desperate Times
Execute the plan to help the Americans. |
42.86% Comum |
Whiskey Hotel
Take back Whiskey Hotel. |
42.86% Comum |
The Pawn
Assault Makarov's safehouse. |
42.86% Comum |
Out of the Frying Pan...
Complete the mission in the airplane graveyard. |
42.86% Comum |
For the Record
Complete the single player campaign on any difficulty. |
42.86% Comum |
First Day of School
Complete 'S.S.D.D.' and 'Team Player' on Veteran difficulty. |
42.86% Comum |
Black Diamond
Complete 'Cliffhanger' on Veteran difficulty. |
42.86% Comum |
Complete 'Takedown' and 'The Hornet's Nest' on Veteran difficulty. |
42.86% Comum |
Red Dawn
Complete 'Wolverines!' and 'Exodus' on Veteran difficulty. |
42.86% Comum |
Colonel Sanderson
Kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds in 'The Hornet's Nest'. |
42.86% Comum |
Unnecessary Roughness
Use a Riot shield to beat down an enemy. |
42.86% Comum |
The Road Less Traveled
Collect 22 enemy intel items. |
42.86% Comum |
Precognitive Paranoia
Kill Shepherd. |
42.86% Comum |
Clown in Training
The U.S. Army Rangers ain’t no place for clowns. |
42.86% Comum |
Worlds Collide
Complete Chapter 2 |
42.86% Comum |
Change My Name
Change the text on the License Plate |
42.86% Comum |
Two Racers, One Event
Beat your first Crew Time Trial |
42.86% Comum |
Comeback Kid
Go from last to first place during the final lap of a race and win |
42.86% Comum |
Hear Me Roar
Win a race in a vehicle with tuned exhaust sound |
42.86% Comum |
A New Hope
Earn all trophies |
42.86% Comum |
Kicking Back
Kick a phillak that has kicked you |
42.86% Comum |
Collect all chests and secrets |
42.86% Comum |
Legendary Beasts
Defeat four mysterious creatures |
42.86% Comum |
Feel the Force
Unlock all Jedi skills |
42.86% Comum |
A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Complete all of BD-1's holomaps |
42.86% Comum |
Visiting Alderaan Places
Explore the crashed Venator |
42.86% Comum |
Defeat an enemy using only kicks |
42.86% Comum |
What Goes Around...
Defeat an enemy with their own Slowed blaster bolt |
42.86% Comum |
Big Bang
Defeat 20 enemies with explosives |
42.86% Comum |
Not So Fast
Defeat 25 enemies while they are under the effect of Empowered Slow |
42.86% Comum |
Medical Droid
Find all of BD-1's stim canisters |
42.86% Comum |
Green Thumb
Have a fully grown terrarium |
42.86% Comum |
Data Collector
Scan all enemy types |
42.86% Comum |
Fall Guy Fashionista
Unlock 50 cosmetic items from the store |
42.86% Comum |
Head Turner
Equip a legendary Body Colour, Pattern, Upper and Lower Costume piece |
42.86% Comum |
Star of the Show
Reach lvl 40 fame during a season |
42.86% Comum |
Track Star
Get first place in a racing round 20 times |
42.86% Comum |
Top Tier
Win 7 Episodes |
42.86% Comum |
Golden Guy
Win 20 Episodes |
42.86% Comum |
Veteran Status
Qualify from 500 rounds |
42.86% Comum |
Show Off
Win an Episode with a custom Punchline equipped |
42.86% Comum |
Squad Goals
Win an Episode as part of a party of 3 or more players |
42.86% Comum |
Hard Choices
Complete the Grantebridgescire Arc |
42.86% Comum |
The Order Is Revealed
Complete the Lunden Arc |
42.86% Comum |
The Good Saxon
Complete the East Anglia Arc |
42.86% Comum |
Take My Hand
Complete the Cent Arc |
42.86% Comum |
It's Alive!
Create a Jomsviking |
42.86% Comum |