Island Hermit
Spent 10 consecutive days on one island |
16/05/2021 18:15:02 |
33.33% Comum |
Gotta craft them all!
Have made one of each craftable item |
16/05/2021 15:26:06 |
33.33% Comum |
It's a Healthy Baby Boy!
Complete the desert area. |
15/05/2021 23:43:40 |
80.00% Comum |
Out of the frying pan
Completed the game |
15/05/2021 16:46:58 |
33.33% Comum |
Magnets, how do they work?
Finish a play through without ever using a compass |
15/05/2021 16:46:52 |
33.33% Comum |
Call me Ahab
Collect all sea monster trophies |
15/05/2021 15:33:04 |
33.33% Comum |
Gone green
Spent 10 consecutive days without eating meat |
13/05/2021 18:15:41 |
33.33% Comum |
I hear “industrial” is in fashion
Craft 10 pieces of furniture using corrugated scrap |
13/05/2021 17:46:43 |
33.33% Comum |
Fish Are Friends
Went 10 consecutive days without eating a fish |
13/05/2021 17:23:10 |
33.33% Comum |
Is this Ithaca?
Build a camp fire on 10 distinct islands |
13/05/2021 15:47:54 |
33.33% Comum |
The Circle of Death
Have your body collected. |
13/05/2021 14:42:27 |
80.00% Comum |
Two of each
Collected two of each land animal on your raft, and sailed into a storm |
13/05/2021 02:51:21 |
33.33% Comum |
What did you say, Blain?
Complete 4 level sections without using a medkit. |
12/05/2021 01:34:45 |
77.78% Comum |
Weird science
Complete Meat Locker on any difficulty. |
12/05/2021 00:39:04 |
66.67% Comum |
Kill of the week
Drop a pallet of Artillery Shells on a Zombie |
11/05/2021 23:52:58 |
55.56% Comum |
Shock therapy
Kill 20 zombies with Electric Punch Special Attack. |
11/05/2021 23:35:21 |
77.78% Comum |
First Errand
Complete your first quest. |
11/05/2021 22:47:06 |
90.00% Comum |
Vestiges of Prosperity
Arrive at the city ruins. |
11/05/2021 18:50:30 |
90.00% Comum |
Resuscitated Body
Stare into space from the Bunker. |
11/05/2021 18:30:42 |
90.00% Comum |
Hunter of the High Seas
Collect one sea monster trophy |
10/05/2021 22:57:25 |
33.33% Comum |
Haven’t slept on land for 10 consecutive days |
10/05/2021 20:47:24 |
33.33% Comum |
Oceanic DaVinci
Craft the gyrocopter |
10/05/2021 19:59:47 |
33.33% Comum |
The sea’s harvest
Catch 10 fish with the fishing rod |
10/05/2021 14:26:02 |
33.33% Comum |
Not On My Watch
In Multiplayer, perform 10 squad revives |
09/05/2021 20:38:04 |
71.43% Comum |
Clay must feel happy in a good potter’s hand
Make a clay flask |
09/05/2021 19:08:55 |
33.33% Comum |
Another day, another shore
Build a camp fire on 5 distinct islands |
09/05/2021 15:45:27 |
33.33% Comum |
Fishing season is open!
Catch your first fish with the fishing rod |
09/05/2021 14:52:44 |
33.33% Comum |
Put the engine in engineering
Craft a motor boat |
09/05/2021 14:40:26 |
33.33% Comum |
Day 20
Survived for 20 days |
09/05/2021 13:28:38 |
33.33% Comum |
Really moving up in life
Craft the hobo stove |
09/05/2021 00:15:58 |
33.33% Comum |
Where I lay my head is home
Craft a sleeping bag |
09/05/2021 00:11:28 |
33.33% Comum |
Thread carefully
Make some cloth using the loom |
09/05/2021 00:10:25 |
33.33% Comum |
Lean, mean, crafting machine
Craft 40 tools |
08/05/2021 16:37:14 |
33.33% Comum |
Day 10
Survived for 10 days |
08/05/2021 14:46:44 |
33.33% Comum |
Grim Reaper
In Multiplayer, kill 30 enemies |
08/05/2021 00:06:49 |
71.43% Comum |
Enemy Attrition
In Multiplayer, get 10 kills in a round |
07/05/2021 23:18:24 |
71.43% Comum |
Last Man Standing
In Multiplayer, have 3 squad members spawn on you |
07/05/2021 23:16:17 |
85.71% Comum |
Working with my hands
Craft 20 tools |
07/05/2021 16:54:16 |
33.33% Comum |
A little less lonely
Find Wollie |
07/05/2021 16:00:29 |
33.33% Comum |
Plant it and it will grow
Plant your first farm lot |
05/05/2021 16:49:55 |
33.33% Comum |
Have you ever seen so many seagulls
Find yourself surrounded by a flock of seagulls |
05/05/2021 16:03:30 |
66.67% Comum |
Island Hopper
Visited an island other than the first |
05/05/2021 13:44:17 |
33.33% Comum |
Guess who’s gon’ be on the plate?
Cook crab meat |
05/05/2021 13:18:07 |
66.67% Comum |
Horrific Pacific
Complete the tutorial |
05/05/2021 12:08:02 |
66.67% Comum |
One day when the boss get hungry
Skin a crab |
05/05/2021 12:00:56 |
66.67% Comum |
Back to the stone age
Craft a stone tool |
05/05/2021 11:52:32 |
83.33% Comum |
Collect all other Trophies |
04/05/2021 23:03:59 |
57.14% Comum |
Spare Some Change for Gas?
Drive 1,000 miles |
04/05/2021 23:03:59 |
57.14% Comum |
Double tap
Finish a level with 5 or less zombies resurrecting. |
04/05/2021 00:13:55 |
77.78% Comum |
The boat can leave now... Tell the crew
Complete Death Canal on any difficulty. |
04/05/2021 00:13:47 |
77.78% Comum |