Play has no limits #Playstation "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"
Adm @Dogs_Team. Platina, Garapa e Boost :-)
30K points scored
Scored 30000 points in a level. |
25/01/2021 19:34:34 |
100.00% Comum |
3 stars earned
Earned total 3 stars in game. |
25/01/2021 19:34:34 |
100.00% Comum |
3 planets played
Completed levels with 3 different planets in game. |
25/01/2021 19:34:28 |
100.00% Comum |
3 coins collected
Collected total 3 coins in game. |
25/01/2021 19:33:48 |
100.00% Comum |
Fireball fury
Destroyed 5 objects with fireball without losing life. |
25/01/2021 19:31:25 |
100.00% Comum |
Mega bomb
Destroyed 3 objects with a bomb. |
25/01/2021 19:31:04 |
100.00% Comum |
2 planets played
Completed levels with 2 different planets in game. |
25/01/2021 19:27:36 |
100.00% Comum |
All power ups collected
Collected all powers ups and collectibles in level. |
25/01/2021 19:27:30 |
100.00% Comum |
Moving objects destroyed
Completed a level with moving objects. |
25/01/2021 19:27:30 |
100.00% Comum |
High 5 player
Destroyed objects at 5x speed. |
25/01/2021 19:26:39 |
100.00% Comum |
Ship defeated
Defeated a Ship mini boss. |
25/01/2021 19:25:57 |
100.00% Comum |
Sticky player
Caught ball 3 times with sticky paddle without losing life. |
25/01/2021 19:25:11 |
100.00% Comum |
Slow and steady
Destroyed 3 objects with slow ball without losing life. |
25/01/2021 19:24:47 |
100.00% Comum |
Slow player
Completed a level slowly. |
25/01/2021 19:23:10 |
100.00% Comum |
Mini boss attacks survived
Survived all mini boss attacks in a level. |
25/01/2021 19:23:10 |
100.00% Comum |
Rocket defeated
Defeated a Rocket mini boss. |
25/01/2021 19:22:42 |
100.00% Comum |
3-ball collected
Collected a 3-ball power up. |
25/01/2021 19:21:56 |
100.00% Comum |
Saucer defeated
Defeated a Saucer mini boss. |
25/01/2021 19:21:39 |
100.00% Comum |
Fireball collected
Collected a fireball power up. |
25/01/2021 19:21:38 |
100.00% Comum |
Wide paddle collected
Collected a wide paddle power up. |
25/01/2021 19:21:29 |
100.00% Comum |
Laser collected
Collected a laser power up. |
25/01/2021 19:20:36 |
100.00% Comum |
Turbo player
Hit ball 3 times in turbo paddle mode without losing life. |
25/01/2021 19:20:26 |
100.00% Comum |
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Savant
Solve every kind of puzzle door across the game |
25/01/2021 06:36:09 |
100.00% Comum |
There's no 'I' in Team…but there is a 'me'
Complete a level with each of the first four Brigade members |
25/01/2021 04:16:17 |
100.00% Comum |
A secret door to another world?
Open the Hidden Relic Room in Forsaken City |
24/01/2021 04:34:08 |
100.00% Comum |
Collect 10000 Gold from Chests |
22/01/2021 17:14:08 |
100.00% Comum |
Queensberry Rules, ok?
Flatten 100 enemies with a melee attack |
22/01/2021 07:02:40 |
100.00% Comum |
Hammer of the Gods
Kill the Hammer Champion in Cursed Village |
22/01/2021 06:37:35 |
100.00% Comum |
Get down, Shep!
Defeat the Guardian in The Towering Temple |
22/01/2021 05:50:17 |
100.00% Comum |
Capital shot!
Kill 3 enemies with a single shot |
21/01/2021 06:44:24 |
100.00% Comum |
The Pharoah's Curse
Die 50 times |
20/01/2021 07:38:38 |
100.00% Comum |
The Mote out of thine eye
Complete the Beam Puzzle in Tunnels of Wadjet |
20/01/2021 06:42:45 |
100.00% Comum |
This Is Becoming A Little Awkward
Exit a Sarcophagus 5 times without restarting |
20/01/2021 06:12:56 |
100.00% Comum |
What have you got against pottery?
Destroy 100 pots |
20/01/2021 06:02:12 |
100.00% Comum |
Everybody needs a hobby
Rescue a teammate from a sarcophagus 10 times |
20/01/2021 05:40:08 |
100.00% Comum |
Back From the Mouth of Hell
Complete the First Round in Horde |
20/01/2021 05:24:23 |
100.00% Comum |
7 league boots
Travel for a little over 24 miles |
20/01/2021 04:30:56 |
100.00% Comum |
Nobody Likes a Show-Off
Chain 3 Amulet Attacks in a row |
20/01/2021 04:18:03 |
100.00% Comum |
Hydra's Teeth
Kill 100 skeletons |
20/01/2021 04:17:38 |
100.00% Comum |
Now That's Just Not Cricket
Kill a teammate with any kind of trap |
20/01/2021 03:52:10 |
100.00% Comum |
Evasive Action
Get to Horde Wave 4 without taking any damage |
20/01/2021 03:38:48 |
100.00% Comum |
Portrait of an adventurer
Unhide the player and hide UI in a picture. Point camera at the player |
20/01/2021 02:58:00 |
100.00% Comum |
Snap Decision
Enter photo mode |
19/01/2021 09:16:42 |
100.00% Comum |
These Are My Fighting Trousers
Melee kill 5 enemies in 30 seconds |
19/01/2021 08:39:53 |
100.00% Comum |
Save Our Souls
Destroy a Soul Cage |
19/01/2021 06:19:01 |
100.00% Comum |
Bully For You!
Defeat The Champion in Hidden Valley |
19/01/2021 06:18:21 |
100.00% Comum |
Not Out
Kill 501 Enemies |
19/01/2021 06:08:11 |
100.00% Comum |
For Medicinal Purposes
Drink 6 health potions within a level without dying or restarting |
19/01/2021 06:07:06 |
100.00% Comum |
The trick is not minding that it hurts
Spend a total of 20 minutes at the low health level |
19/01/2021 05:00:16 |
100.00% Comum |
Wonderful Things
Open the Sarcophagus Room in Harbin's Dig Site |
19/01/2021 04:29:26 |
100.00% Comum |