Não alimente a Magoa ou o odio ,porque só vive feliz quem tem grandeza para perdoar.
Inside Track
Collect all the Informant Audio Logs |
04/06/2016 03:04:32 |
66.67% Comum |
Blown Cover
Defeat all the D.U.P. Secret Agents |
04/06/2016 03:02:21 |
66.67% Comum |
Destroy all of the D.U.P. security cameras |
04/06/2016 02:40:20 |
66.67% Comum |
Coloring Inside the Lines
Complete all the Stencil Art |
04/06/2016 02:23:18 |
66.67% Comum |
Cough Drop
Comet Drop on three coughing enemies |
03/06/2016 23:01:39 |
66.67% Comum |
Someone Your Own Size
Rescue 10 escaped conduits from angry mobs |
03/06/2016 03:17:45 |
66.67% Comum |
What Did You Call Me?
Kill 10 obnoxious Akuran gang members |
03/06/2016 03:08:24 |
66.67% Comum |
Make Fetch Proud
Hit three weak points with Neon Beam in 6 seconds |
03/06/2016 01:56:05 |
75.00% Comum |
Get them before they get you |
03/06/2016 01:08:50 |
66.67% Comum |
The Grail
Collect all Trophies |
02/06/2016 04:25:38 |
77.78% Comum |
Collect all phonograph cylinders |
02/06/2016 04:25:38 |
77.78% Comum |
Inspector First Class
Find all inspect items |
02/06/2016 04:23:17 |
77.78% Comum |
Detail Oriented
Inspect all photographs and documents |
02/06/2016 04:23:14 |
77.78% Comum |
Power of Observation
Inspect all objects |
02/06/2016 03:53:53 |
77.78% Comum |
Inspect all newspapers |
02/06/2016 03:38:16 |
77.78% Comum |
Well Rounded
Kill an enemy with every weapon |
02/06/2016 02:49:43 |
77.78% Comum |
Complete a match on Capitol with at least 5 downs or executions |
01/06/2016 02:58:48 |
25.00% Incomum |
Nothing To See Here
Destroy half the D.U.P. security cameras |
01/06/2016 01:21:06 |
66.67% Comum |
Bweep! Bweep! Bweep!
Collect half the Blast Shards |
01/06/2016 01:10:19 |
66.67% Comum |
Hello Operator
Complete Showdowns in half of the districts |
01/06/2016 01:00:06 |
66.67% Comum |
Home Field Advantage
Clear the D.U.P. out of half the districts in the city |
01/06/2016 01:00:04 |
66.67% Comum |
Put That Anywhere
Defeat 10 enemies by detonating ammo crates |
01/06/2016 00:27:46 |
66.67% Comum |
Excessive Force
Use a Karmic Streak attack to defeat exactly one enemy |
31/05/2016 01:37:24 |
66.67% Comum |
Double Smoke Stack Attack
Dash through two red air vents without touching the ground and then Comet Drop on an enemy |
30/05/2016 23:41:12 |
66.67% Comum |
Total CARnage
Destroy 5 cars in 5 seconds |
29/05/2016 23:49:14 |
83.33% Comum |
Beat down 10 sign twirlers |
29/05/2016 22:15:11 |
66.67% Comum |
Everyone's a Critic
Take out 10 street musicians |
29/05/2016 20:55:10 |
66.67% Comum |
Prank Call
Complete a District Showdown |
29/05/2016 20:34:21 |
66.67% Comum |
One Down
Clear the D.U.P. completely out of a district |
29/05/2016 20:34:20 |
66.67% Comum |
Freedom of Speech
Disrupt 10 activist rallies |
29/05/2016 20:04:22 |
75.00% Comum |
Just Say No
Bust 10 drug dealers |
29/05/2016 20:01:37 |
66.67% Comum |
Kicking and Screaming
Finish off 10 wounded enemies or civilians |
29/05/2016 19:46:27 |
66.67% Comum |
Look out for yourself, no matter the consequences |
29/05/2016 15:44:29 |
75.00% Comum |
Stun an enemy 30 times with the M2 ‘Falchion' |
29/05/2016 01:13:05 |
77.78% Comum |
A Knight No More
Complete the game (any difficulty) |
29/05/2016 01:00:29 |
100.00% Comum |
Up in Flames
Incinerate 15 enemies |
29/05/2016 00:03:19 |
77.78% Comum |
Snuffed Out
Kill 7 enemies with silent takedowns |
28/05/2016 01:58:42 |
88.89% Comum |
The Hunter
Kill 10 Lycans |
28/05/2016 01:21:29 |
100.00% Comum |
Between the Eyes
Kill 100 enemies with a headshot |
26/05/2016 22:45:04 |
88.89% Comum |
Charted! - Moderate
Complete the game in moderate mode |
26/05/2016 20:08:25 |
100.00% Comum |
Charted! - Hard
Complete the game in hard mode |
26/05/2016 20:08:24 |
80.00% Comum |
Charted! - Speedrun
Complete the game in 6 hours or less |
26/05/2016 20:08:21 |
60.00% Comum |
Charted! - Crushing
Complete the game in crushing mode |
26/05/2016 20:08:16 |
60.00% Comum |
Modern Marvels
Kill 40 enemies with science weapons |
26/05/2016 16:30:49 |
100.00% Comum |
Shoot an airborne grenade during Blacksight |
26/05/2016 16:23:44 |
77.78% Comum |
Undivided Attention
Kill 25 enemies during Blacksight |
26/05/2016 16:12:37 |
77.78% Comum |
From the Hip
Kill 25 enemies without aiming |
26/05/2016 16:04:39 |
77.78% Comum |
Highly Volatile
Detonate 10 powder kegs |
26/05/2016 15:57:27 |
88.89% Comum |
Box Your Ears
Kill 15 enemies with melee attacks |
26/05/2016 15:42:55 |
77.78% Comum |
The Marksman
Kill 5 enemies with a headshot during Blacksight |
26/05/2016 15:36:16 |
77.78% Comum |