Não alimente a Magoa ou o odio ,porque só vive feliz quem tem grandeza para perdoar.
Black Mage
Used magic for the first time. |
28/04/2017 20:52:22 |
85.71% Comum |
Magical Worker
Crafted a spell for the first time. |
27/04/2017 19:59:45 |
85.71% Comum |
Completed Chapter 1. |
27/04/2017 19:37:04 |
85.71% Comum |
Photo Rookie
Improved photography level for the first time. |
27/04/2017 19:24:54 |
85.71% Comum |
Survival Rookie
Improved survival level for the first time. |
27/04/2017 19:04:14 |
85.71% Comum |
High Five for Justice!
Played JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE for the first time. |
27/04/2017 02:53:33 |
85.71% Comum |
Issued first ally command. |
27/04/2017 02:25:22 |
85.71% Comum |
Learner's Permit
Drove the Regalia. |
27/04/2017 02:16:55 |
85.71% Comum |
Cooking Rookie
Improved cooking level for the first time. |
27/04/2017 01:51:49 |
85.71% Comum |
New Power
Learned first ability. |
27/04/2017 01:41:37 |
85.71% Comum |
Blind Spot
Performed first blindside link. |
27/04/2017 01:30:23 |
85.71% Comum |
Insomnia's Waking Nightmare
Completed the Prologue. |
27/04/2017 01:13:50 |
85.71% Comum |
All trophies obtained
Obtained all Horizon Zero Dawn trophies. |
26/04/2017 06:09:02 |
53.33% Comum |
Blazing Suns at all Grounds
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds. |
26/04/2017 06:09:02 |
53.33% Comum |
Reached level 50
Reached player level 50. |
25/04/2017 06:23:47 |
73.33% Comum |
All Suns at all Grounds
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds. |
25/04/2017 06:20:38 |
53.33% Comum |
Ended the war machine threat
Ended the threat of the ancient war machines. |
25/04/2017 01:44:35 |
86.67% Comum |
All Skills learned
Learned all available skills. |
25/04/2017 00:58:13 |
66.67% Comum |
All allies joined
Given Aloy's actions, all possible optional allies joined the defense. |
25/04/2017 00:49:36 |
53.33% Comum |
Got the Shield-Weaver outfit
Recovered an ancient technology and put it to use. |
25/04/2017 00:05:35 |
66.67% Comum |
Recovered a powerful weapon
Explored the Mountain That Fell and recovered a powerful weapon. |
24/04/2017 23:57:49 |
86.67% Comum |
Broke the siege of All-Mother
Defeated the invaders and went inside the sacred mountain. |
24/04/2017 22:30:30 |
86.67% Comum |
Saved Meridian from its foe
Helped Erend investigate Ersa's fate, and foiled a plot against Meridian. |
24/04/2017 21:39:05 |
86.67% Comum |
Discovered the truth
Discovered the truth of Zero Dawn. |
24/04/2017 07:31:42 |
86.67% Comum |
Reached level 40
Reached player level 40. |
24/04/2017 04:19:52 |
80.00% Comum |
Aided the defectors
Aided the escapes of Uthid and the child king Itamen from the Shadow Carja. |
24/04/2017 04:19:29 |
73.33% Comum |
All Metal Flowers found
Found all of the Metal Flowers. |
24/04/2017 02:12:19 |
60.00% Comum |
All Acquisition machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine. |
24/04/2017 00:26:27 |
73.33% Comum |
All Corrupted Zones cleared
Killed all the corrupted machines in every Corrupted Zone. |
23/04/2017 21:38:28 |
60.00% Comum |
Hunted Redmaw with Talanah
Rose through the ranks of the Hunters Lodge and helped Talanah defeat Redmaw. |
23/04/2017 10:17:29 |
60.00% Comum |
All Combat machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine. |
23/04/2017 09:35:09 |
80.00% Comum |
Cleared all the Bandit Camps
Took back all settlements from the bandit clans. |
23/04/2017 06:06:23 |
73.33% Comum |
Blazing Suns at one Ground
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground. |
23/04/2017 01:16:37 |
53.33% Comum |
Tore off 5 heavy weapons
Detached 5 heavy weapons from machines during combat. |
23/04/2017 01:11:12 |
86.67% Comum |
All Vantages found
Found and accessed all of the Vantage datapoints. |
22/04/2017 23:13:47 |
60.00% Comum |
All Transport machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine. |
22/04/2017 21:26:59 |
66.67% Comum |
All Banuk Figures found
Found all of Arnak's figures. |
22/04/2017 19:05:12 |
60.00% Comum |
7 types of machine overridden
Unlocked and used the overrides for 7 different types of machine. |
22/04/2017 18:16:22 |
73.33% Comum |
All Ancient Vessels found
Found all the Ancient Vessels. |
22/04/2017 06:19:32 |
66.67% Comum |
Crashed the Eclipse network
Infiltrated the Eclipse battle camp and crashed their network. |
22/04/2017 04:58:04 |
86.67% Comum |
All machines catalogued
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine. |
22/04/2017 03:41:05 |
73.33% Comum |
Downed 23 Grazer dummies
Found and knocked over all of the Grazer training dummies in the Nora region. |
22/04/2017 03:06:04 |
53.33% Comum |
Reached level 25
Reached player level 25. |
22/04/2017 01:40:19 |
86.67% Comum |
All Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed the information within. |
22/04/2017 01:40:12 |
73.33% Comum |
10 Vulnerable machine kills
Killed 10 machines weak to Fire while burning, or weak to Freeze while frozen. |
21/04/2017 17:48:20 |
86.67% Comum |
All Suns at one Ground
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground. |
21/04/2017 05:49:38 |
66.67% Comum |
First Core Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information. |
21/04/2017 05:33:13 |
86.67% Comum |
First Vantage found
Found and accessed a Vantage datapoint. |
21/04/2017 04:22:32 |
86.67% Comum |
All Tallnecks Overridden
Scaled all of the Tallnecks and accessed their information. |
21/04/2017 01:05:14 |
73.33% Comum |
Learned of the ancient past
Learned of the ancient past at Maker's End. |
21/04/2017 00:21:59 |
86.67% Comum |