All Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed the information within. |
19/04/2020 12:42:09 |
73.33% Comum |
Reached level 40
Reached player level 40. |
18/04/2020 07:08:45 |
80.00% Comum |
Blazing Suns at all Grounds
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds. |
18/04/2020 07:08:14 |
53.33% Comum |
All Suns at all Grounds
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds. |
18/04/2020 07:08:12 |
53.33% Comum |
Tore off 5 heavy weapons
Detached 5 heavy weapons from machines during combat. |
18/04/2020 01:41:54 |
86.67% Comum |
The Right Way Up
Roll your car during a Rally stage in Australia and continue |
15/04/2020 23:04:52 |
33.33% Comum |
All Transport machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine. |
13/04/2020 10:26:57 |
66.67% Comum |
All Combat machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine. |
12/04/2020 15:49:26 |
80.00% Comum |
Reached level 25
Reached player level 25. |
10/04/2020 21:37:15 |
86.67% Comum |
Fought back the corruption
Destroyed the corruption inside the Nora valley. |
10/04/2020 10:52:40 |
86.67% Comum |
10 Vulnerable machine kills
Killed 10 machines weak to Fire while burning, or weak to Freeze while frozen. |
09/04/2020 23:42:24 |
86.67% Comum |
Victorious with the War-Chief
Found the Nora War-Chief and defeated the killers in the Ring of Metal. |
09/04/2020 22:53:57 |
86.67% Comum |
Headshot 30 human enemies
Killed 30 human enemies by landing headshots on them. |
09/04/2020 22:33:47 |
86.67% Comum |
First Core Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron and accessed its information. |
08/04/2020 19:58:28 |
86.67% Comum |
All Recon machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine. |
08/04/2020 10:05:30 |
86.67% Comum |
First Banuk Figure found
Found a wooden effigy left by a Banuk traveler. |
08/04/2020 08:45:38 |
60.00% Comum |
First Bandit Camp cleared
Took back a settlement from a bandit clan. |
08/04/2020 08:27:31 |
86.67% Comum |
First Vantage found
Found and accessed a Vantage datapoint. |
07/04/2020 00:25:18 |
86.67% Comum |
First Ancient Vessel found
Found an ancient vessel once used by the Old Ones. |
06/04/2020 23:52:57 |
86.67% Comum |
First Tallneck Overridden
Scaled a Tallneck and accessed its information. |
06/04/2020 10:46:42 |
86.67% Comum |
All Suns at one Ground
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground. |
06/04/2020 10:37:26 |
66.67% Comum |
Blazing Suns at one Ground
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground. |
06/04/2020 10:37:26 |
53.33% Comum |
Stealth killed 10 machines
Performed a stealth kill on 10 machines. |
06/04/2020 10:10:48 |
86.67% Comum |
First Corrupted Zone cleared
Killed all the corrupted machines in a Corrupted Zone. |
06/04/2020 10:04:11 |
86.67% Comum |
Reached level 10
Reached player level 10. |
05/04/2020 13:59:50 |
86.67% Comum |
Triumphed in the Proving
Overcame adversity and placed first in the Proving. |
05/04/2020 12:54:18 |
86.67% Comum |
First Metal Flower found
Discovered a strange metal flower. |
05/04/2020 10:10:24 |
86.67% Comum |
Defeated the Sawtooth
Defeated the Sawtooth that threatened the Nora. |
04/04/2020 11:15:47 |
86.67% Comum |
Tore off 10 components
Detached 10 components from machines during combat. |
04/04/2020 10:59:58 |
86.67% Comum |
First Modification
Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit. |
04/04/2020 10:44:50 |
86.67% Comum |
Followed Rost's teachings
Learned to hunt and fight alongside Rost. |
04/04/2020 10:02:20 |
93.33% Comum |
Master of Fear
Wayne vs Crane. |
02/04/2020 11:00:02 |
77.78% Comum |
Be Not Afraid
Win the war for Gotham. |
02/04/2020 10:16:57 |
77.78% Comum |
Death and Glory
Perform 20 fear takedowns. |
02/04/2020 09:37:45 |
77.78% Comum |
Fear of Success
Survive Scarecrow's ambush. |
02/04/2020 09:18:27 |
77.78% Comum |
Judgment Day
Win the rumble down under. |
02/04/2020 08:36:02 |
77.78% Comum |
Who Rules The Night
Batman vs the Arkham Knight. |
01/04/2020 14:04:39 |
77.78% Comum |
City of Fear
Defend the assault on your ally's fortress. |
01/04/2020 12:41:20 |
77.78% Comum |
A Heart Broken in Two
Secure the secret base. |
01/04/2020 12:04:48 |
77.78% Comum |
Brotherhood of the Fist
Return of the Dynamic Duo. |
01/04/2020 10:53:09 |
77.78% Comum |
Days of Fire
Extinguish the fires in Gotham City. |
01/04/2020 10:22:13 |
66.67% Comum |
Creature of the Night
Freedom of the city. |
30/03/2020 10:46:44 |
77.78% Comum |
Strange Deadfellows
Deploy the Cloudburst countermeasures. |
30/03/2020 10:12:35 |
77.78% Comum |
With a Vengeance!
Take on the heavy artillery reinforcements. |
30/03/2020 09:35:19 |
77.78% Comum |
Dark Wings Fly Away in Fear
What is the Cloudburst? |
30/03/2020 09:14:09 |
77.78% Comum |
A Battle Within
Fight for your sanity. |
30/03/2020 07:53:12 |
77.78% Comum |
The Cat and the Bat
Obtain a key by completing the third Riddler trial. |
29/03/2020 17:34:13 |
66.67% Comum |
Pieces of the Puzzle
Obtain a key by completing the second Riddler trial. |
29/03/2020 16:46:14 |
66.67% Comum |
The Road to Hell
Successfully complete the first Riddler trial. |
29/03/2020 15:03:02 |
66.67% Comum |
Cold World
Destroy the first weapons cache in Gotham City. |
29/03/2020 14:47:49 |
77.78% Comum |