Quick reload
Unlock tactical perk 8 |
14/08/2018 02:28:31 |
66.67% Comum |
Unlock demolition perk 8 |
14/08/2018 02:22:19 |
66.67% Comum |
Hidden in the deep
Locate the underwater stash |
13/08/2018 02:34:53 |
66.67% Comum |
Dual-wield expert
Unlock assault perk 8 |
13/08/2018 02:16:17 |
66.67% Comum |
LKW battery +
Unlock assault perk 7 |
13/08/2018 01:50:41 |
66.67% Comum |
Shotgun magazine +
Unlock tactical perk 5 |
13/08/2018 01:48:37 |
66.67% Comum |
All that glitters
Collect 25 gold items |
13/08/2018 00:34:38 |
66.67% Comum |
Unlock assault perk 6 |
12/08/2018 06:19:53 |
66.67% Comum |
Power to the laser
Find the Laserkraftwerk |
12/08/2018 05:57:37 |
66.67% Comum |
Marksman magazine +
Unlock tactical perk 7 |
12/08/2018 05:45:10 |
66.67% Comum |
Unlock assault perk 3 |
12/08/2018 05:37:19 |
66.67% Comum |
AR magazine +
Unlock tactical perk 6 |
12/08/2018 04:47:43 |
66.67% Comum |
Vive la resistance!
Locate the resistance |
12/08/2018 04:38:10 |
83.33% Comum |
Unlock demolition perk 4 |
11/08/2018 23:28:26 |
66.67% Comum |
Unlock stealth perk 6 |
10/08/2018 23:06:32 |
66.67% Comum |
Scout II
Unlock stealth perk 7 |
10/08/2018 22:46:29 |
83.33% Comum |
Unlock stealth perk 8 |
10/08/2018 22:46:15 |
66.67% Comum |
Knife sheath ++
Unlock stealth perk 4 |
10/08/2018 22:43:14 |
66.67% Comum |
Endurance I
Unlock assault perk 2 |
10/08/2018 22:38:51 |
66.67% Comum |
Knife sheath +
Unlock stealth perk 3 |
10/08/2018 22:24:06 |
66.67% Comum |
Wyatt saved
Choose to save Wyatt |
10/08/2018 21:51:03 |
83.33% Comum |
Fergus saved
Choose to save Fergus |
10/08/2018 21:46:56 |
66.67% Comum |
Endurance II
Unlock assault perk 5 |
08/08/2018 21:02:56 |
66.67% Comum |
Bullet feeder
Unlock assault perk 4 |
08/08/2018 20:47:26 |
66.67% Comum |
Gun magazine +
Unlock tactical perk 4 |
08/08/2018 20:33:57 |
66.67% Comum |
Silent shot
Unlock stealth perk 5 |
08/08/2018 20:19:13 |
83.33% Comum |
Quick regeneration
Unlock tactical perk 3 |
08/08/2018 19:56:11 |
66.67% Comum |
Quick draw
Unlock tactical perk 2 |
08/08/2018 19:44:51 |
83.33% Comum |
Unlock demolition perk 6 |
08/08/2018 03:49:36 |
66.67% Comum |
Grenade pouch ++
Unlock demolition perk 3 |
08/08/2018 03:31:43 |
66.67% Comum |
Grenade pouch +
Unlock demolition perk 2 |
08/08/2018 03:28:30 |
66.67% Comum |
Knife throwing
Unlock stealth perk 2 |
08/08/2018 03:20:19 |
83.33% Comum |
Unlock tactical perk 1 |
08/08/2018 03:14:04 |
83.33% Comum |
Scout I
Unlock stealth perk 1 |
08/08/2018 03:13:54 |
83.33% Comum |
Unlock demolition perk 1 |
08/08/2018 03:10:45 |
83.33% Comum |
Double reload
Unlock assault perk 1 |
08/08/2018 03:09:39 |
83.33% Comum |
Save allied planes |
08/08/2018 02:22:43 |
83.33% Comum |
New Challenger
Played a challenge mission. |
06/08/2018 19:53:43 |
50.00% Comum |
Master of Spacetime
Collect all other trophies. |
05/08/2018 05:19:58 |
33.33% Comum |
Kill 20 enemies with security guns in a single level. |
05/08/2018 05:19:58 |
66.67% Comum |
Underwater Expedition
Defeat Cetus while its head is underwater. |
05/08/2018 05:02:57 |
33.33% Comum |
All Creatures Great and Small
Rescue every captured friend. |
05/08/2018 04:52:10 |
33.33% Comum |
Perfect Date
Finish a level without taking damage. |
05/08/2018 03:10:15 |
33.33% Comum |
Love Has Prevailed
Defeat King Cepheus. |
05/08/2018 02:39:22 |
33.33% Comum |
Remove all of King Cepheus's shields. |
05/08/2018 02:37:45 |
33.33% Comum |
Dressed to the Nines
Fill up all gem slots in a fully upgraded ship. |
05/08/2018 02:00:51 |
33.33% Comum |
Missile Kiss
Make two Power-Metal missiles collide. |
05/08/2018 00:43:05 |
33.33% Comum |
Rocket Science
Escape a white dwarf without shooting or ramming it. |
05/08/2018 00:20:00 |
33.33% Comum |
Unlock all other trophies. |
03/08/2018 03:50:41 |
100.00% Comum |
Wardenclyffe Victory III
Activate the Wardenclyffe and save the world in Eldritch Plane. |
03/08/2018 03:50:41 |
100.00% Comum |