Leader of the Pack
Compare Statistics with Friends |
05/06/2019 22:42:16 |
66.67% Comum |
Take Me to Your Leader
Compare Statistics with Friends |
05/06/2019 22:40:17 |
55.56% Comum |
Now, That's Dedication
Play Rocksmith 2014 on 5 consecutive days |
05/06/2019 21:20:48 |
50.00% Comum |
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Guardians With a Sniper Rifle |
05/06/2019 14:45:41 |
33.33% Comum |
Kill an Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake |
05/06/2019 14:20:56 |
44.44% Comum |
Charted! - Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty |
04/06/2019 23:46:01 |
36.36% Comum |
A Pirate's Life For Me
Complete Stage 8: Pirate Colony |
04/06/2019 00:53:58 |
40.00% Comum |
Mission 214
Complete 214 Missions |
02/06/2019 21:03:05 |
50.00% Comum |
Another Lost City Destroyed
Complete Stage 7: Sunken Ruins |
02/06/2019 14:46:02 |
40.00% Comum |
Cliffs and Caves
Complete Stage 6: Remnants |
02/06/2019 14:29:26 |
40.00% Comum |
Those Who Prove Worthy
Complete Stage 5: Scotland |
02/06/2019 13:56:36 |
40.00% Comum |
In for a Penny, In for a Pound
Complete Stage 4: Auction House |
02/06/2019 13:34:53 |
60.00% Comum |
Great Escape
Complete Stage 3: Prison |
02/06/2019 13:21:38 |
60.00% Comum |
The Mad City
Complete Stage 2: Madagascar City |
02/06/2019 13:07:23 |
60.00% Comum |
Get Train Rekt
Complete Stage 1: Train Wreck |
02/06/2019 12:32:29 |
60.00% Comum |
An Agreement Forged
Completed "The Ocean Roars Again." |
02/06/2019 00:59:55 |
45.45% Comum |
Keeper of the Flame
Lit all three evil-warding bonfires in Itsukushima. |
02/06/2019 00:57:02 |
45.45% Comum |
Completed 10 missions with NPC or in the “Yokai Realm with a companion” with other users. |
02/06/2019 00:36:11 |
45.45% Comum |
Orange Gear
Create and save a tone using Orange gear |
01/06/2019 15:43:45 |
50.00% Comum |
Eden Gear
Create and save a tone using Eden gear |
01/06/2019 15:43:02 |
50.00% Comum |
I Know Bass Techniques
Hit all bass techniques at least once |
01/06/2019 15:35:06 |
50.00% Comum |
Pwned Score Attack (Easy)
Clear 50 songs on Score Attack Easy, Medium, Hard or Master |
01/06/2019 15:25:36 |
50.00% Comum |
Destroyed Score Attack (Medium)
Clear 30 songs on Score Attack Medium, Hard or Master |
01/06/2019 00:47:45 |
50.00% Comum |
…and It Wasn't a Fluke
Clear 15 songs on Score Attack Master |
31/05/2019 23:04:01 |
50.00% Comum |
Demolished Score Attack (Hard)
Clear 20 songs on Score Attack Hard or Master |
31/05/2019 22:46:46 |
50.00% Comum |
I Know Guitar Techniques
Hit all guitar techniques at least once |
31/05/2019 20:07:00 |
50.00% Comum |
Playing the Field
Play with over 50 instruments |
31/05/2019 19:22:46 |
50.00% Comum |
Epic Session
Complete 60 minutes in Session Mode |
31/05/2019 19:06:37 |
50.00% Comum |
Keep the band alive for over 12 minutes in Session Mode |
31/05/2019 18:20:13 |
50.00% Comum |
The Last Guardian
Collect all other trophies. |
31/05/2019 01:30:01 |
25.00% Incomum |
Beast Friends Forever
Paint Trico's entire body. |
31/05/2019 01:30:01 |
25.00% Incomum |
All Talked Out
Hear every hint. |
31/05/2019 00:12:44 |
25.00% Incomum |
Dressed for the Fest
Collect all of the boy's costumes and equip them. |
30/05/2019 19:06:10 |
25.00% Incomum |
Untouchable Emissary
Reach the end of the game without a game over. |
30/05/2019 18:59:13 |
25.00% Incomum |
Intensive Care
Remove all spears from Trico as quickly as possible. |
30/05/2019 18:59:12 |
25.00% Incomum |
Lightning Emissary
Reach the end of the game in 5 hours or less. |
30/05/2019 18:59:10 |
25.00% Incomum |
Though We Are Far Apart
Play the game all the way to the end. |
29/05/2019 08:22:39 |
75.00% Comum |
Fleet Emissary
Reach the end of the game in 15 hours or less. |
29/05/2019 08:22:39 |
75.00% Comum |
Spry Emissary
Reach the end of the game in 30 hours or less. |
29/05/2019 08:22:39 |
75.00% Comum |
Touch all enemy beasts. |
29/05/2019 07:55:52 |
25.00% Incomum |
Lock, Stock, and Barrel
Give Trico every single barrel. |
29/05/2019 07:25:51 |
25.00% Incomum |
Thundering Wonder
Defeat 20 or more suits of armor with Trico's lightning. |
29/05/2019 06:13:59 |
50.00% Comum |
Losing Their Minds
Defeat 10 or more suits of armor by removing their heads. |
29/05/2019 06:05:28 |
25.00% Incomum |
Saved from falling by Trico's tail 10 or more times. |
29/05/2019 03:46:03 |
25.00% Incomum |
Land on Trico's back after being propelled upwards from a cart. |
28/05/2019 15:02:42 |
50.00% Comum |
Make Trico put his head in every hole. |
28/05/2019 14:28:38 |
25.00% Incomum |
The Call of Nature
Catch the act. |
27/05/2019 19:14:42 |
75.00% Comum |
Practice Makes Perfect
Have Trico catch a thrown barrel in mid-air 20 times or more. |
27/05/2019 16:33:46 |
25.00% Incomum |
Get Off My Back!
Cling onto a suit of armor's back for 30 seconds or longer. |
27/05/2019 15:56:12 |
25.00% Incomum |
Last-Minute Reprieve
Have Trico defeat 20 or more suits of armor while they are carrying the boy. |
27/05/2019 14:33:17 |
25.00% Incomum |