Absent-Minded Samurai
Touka: Failed Shinmyosen at least 2 times during a single round. |
0.00% Lendário |
I Just Want to Take a Nap
Arawn: Lower your Emotion within 4 seconds of the round's start. |
0.00% Lendário |
Overlord Tactics
Arawn: Emptied your opponent's power meter using Rubedo and/or Magic Hunt. |
0.00% Lendário |
Reckless Hunter
Morgan: Shoot all of your arrows. |
0.00% Lendário |
Bone Crusher
Morgan: Successfully hit with Bone Breaker at least 2 times in a single round. |
0.00% Lendário |
Guiding Star of the Sea
Riannon: Hold Stella Maris for more than 10 seconds. |
0.00% Lendário |
Stupid Commands
Riannon: Performed any of the following moves: Fighting Sorceress, Element Cycle, or Revitalize. |
0.00% Lendário |
Gen-Gen-Genghis Khan♪
Konomi: Cancel Satchel Upper! into Genghis Khan - 1192♪. |
0.00% Lendário |
Knock Out Your Target
Konomi: Defeated your opponent with Mom's Killer Curry! during High Emotion. |
0.00% Lendário |
Tamaki: Get 10 extra hits with Iron Claw (C). |
0.00% Lendário |
Now, Time for Your Punishment
Tamaki: Performed a combo of 25 or more hits without using a Partner Assist. |
0.00% Lendário |
I'm So Busy
Manaka: Perform 5 moves from the front step/back step follow-ups after certain moves. |
0.00% Lendário |
Manaka: Used This is My Hideaway to teleport to the other side of the screen. |
0.00% Lendário |
I Won!
Multi: Defeat your opponent with Serio's attack in Sisters' Housecleaning. |
0.00% Lendário |
Multi: Slipped on your own Cleaning is My Purpose. |
0.00% Lendário |
Material Guard
Sasara: Block at least 3 attacks using the guard points of special moves during a single round. |
0.00% Lendário |
Sasara: Deflected your opponent's attack using Parry. |
0.00% Lendário |
Stardust Rain
Oboro: Call Dorry or Guraa at least 3 times during a single round. |
0.00% Lendário |
Oboro: Defeated your opponent with Kagenui Bakumetsudan. |
0.00% Lendário |
Kashiwagi's Fate
Chizuru: Defeat your opponent with Forgive Me… |
0.00% Lendário |
Chizuru: Made your opponent enter Low Emotion 3 times in a single round. |
0.00% Lendário |
Platinum Trophy
Unlock all trophies |
0.00% Lendário |
Warming Up!
Finish the game on Normal Mode |
0.00% Lendário |
Finish the Game on Hard Mode |
0.00% Lendário |
Finish the game on Dante Must Die Mode |
0.00% Lendário |
The Devil's In The Details
Purchase all of Dante's Skills |
0.00% Lendário |
Can You Keep A Secret?
Complete a Secret Mission |
0.00% Lendário |
The Secret Six
Complete six Secret Missions |
0.00% Lendário |
The Secret's Out
Complete all Secret Missions |
0.00% Lendário |
Smashing Sensation
Achieve an S Rank on any Mission |
0.00% Lendário |
Bird of Prey
Survive an encounter with Griffon |
0.00% Lendário |
Broken Halo
Fight Nelo Angelo a second time and prevail |
0.00% Lendário |
Cold Turkey
Fight Griffon a second time and prevail |
0.00% Lendário |
Defeat Griffon |
0.00% Lendário |
Night Terrors
Survive an encounter with Nightmare |
0.00% Lendário |
Fallen Angel
Defeat Nelo Angelo |
0.00% Lendário |
Good Night
Fight Nightmare a second time and prevail |
0.00% Lendário |
The Nightmare is Over
Defeat Nightmare |
0.00% Lendário |
The Devil Went Down To...
Defeat Mundus |
0.00% Lendário |
Perform an S Rank Combo using Alastor |
0.00% Lendário |
Hot As Hell
Perform an S Rank Combo using Ifrit |
0.00% Lendário |
Table Of Contents
Unlock every enemy file in the status menu |
0.00% Lendário |
Unlock 50% of all entries for every enemy file in the status menu |
0.00% Lendário |
I Read You Like A Book
Unlock all the entries for every enemy file in the status menu |
0.00% Lendário |
Seeing Red
Collect 10,000 Red Orbs |
0.00% Lendário |
Blood Flows Red
Collect 25,000 Red Orbs |
0.00% Lendário |
Collect 50,000 Red Orbs |
0.00% Lendário |
Blue Devil
Max out the Health Bar |
0.00% Lendário |
Gun Collector
Collect all Guns |
0.00% Lendário |
The Devil Made Me Do It
Finish the game without using any Yellow Orbs |
0.00% Lendário |