Champion of the Gods
Unlock all Trophies |
63.64% Comum |
Can't Stop, Won't Stop. BadBoy!
Perform a 1000 Hit Combo |
63.64% Comum |
Hold Still Please
Slow 100 Enemies with the Amulet of Uroborus |
63.64% Comum |
Hello, Friend
Use the Oath Stone of Orkos in Combat 10 Times |
63.64% Comum |
Tag Teamed
Hit 100 Enemies with the Oath Stone of Orkos |
63.64% Comum |
Complete the Screw of Archimedes without getting hit by the Fire Traps |
63.64% Comum |
Fully Loaded
Completely Upgrade Kratos |
63.64% Comum |
Lubed up
Complete the slide in the Statue of Apollo without dying |
63.64% Comum |
No Drake. You can't have these.
Collect all Artifacts in the game |
63.64% Comum |
If it ain't broke...
Reconstruct all of the Decayed Chests |
63.64% Comum |
Legendary Warrior
Complete the game on Hard Difficulty |
63.64% Comum |
Go Speed Ratchet, Go!
Win the Gold Cup on both Rilgar and Kalebo. |
63.64% Comum |
250 Headshots
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots |
63.64% Comum |
20 Kills: Desert - 5
Kill 20 Enemies with the Desert - 5 |
63.64% Comum |
20 Kills: Wes - 44
Kill 20 Enemies with the Wes - 44 |
63.64% Comum |
A Closer Look
Look in all peepholes and telescopes long enough to hear Edith's commentary |
63.64% Comum |
Let Him Finish
Let the drunken sailor finish his song |
63.64% Comum |
Every Last One of Them
Collect all trophies |
63.64% Comum |
Survival Expert
Learn all player upgrades |
63.64% Comum |
Arms Master
Fully upgrade all weapons |
63.64% Comum |
Find all artifacts and journal entries |
63.64% Comum |
Master Set
Find all trading cards |
63.64% Comum |
Find all coins |
63.64% Comum |
Prepared For the Worst
Find all workbenches |
63.64% Comum |
Unlock every safe |
63.64% Comum |
Looks Good On You
Put a hat on your companion |
63.64% Comum |
Relic of the Sages
Find the Strange Artifact |
63.64% Comum |
Progress Demands Sacrifice
Complete the Game in Crushing mode |
63.64% Comum |
Hardcore Treasure Hunter
Find 35 treasures |
63.64% Comum |
Collector of Antiquities
Find all the treasures |
63.64% Comum |
Shake For Your Fortune
Ask Skeleseer a question |
63.64% Comum |
Yas Queen
Find all the Hoysala tokens and obtain the Queen's Ruby |
63.64% Comum |
Picks or It Didn't Happen
Open every lockbox |
63.64% Comum |
Pics or It Didn't Happen
Take a photo at all the photo opportunities |
63.64% Comum |
Getting to Know You
Listen to all optional conversations |
63.64% Comum |
10 Up, 10 Down
Defeat 10 enemies with headshots in a row |
63.64% Comum |
Perform 10 combo partner takedowns |
63.64% Comum |
Your Prize
Appreciate the view at the top of the Hoysala Empire |
63.64% Comum |
Perform 5 grapple swings in a row without touching the ground |
63.64% Comum |
Stunt It!
Get 30 seconds of total airtime with the vehicle |
63.64% Comum |
Shadow Theater
Complete the shadow puzzle in 10 moves or less |
63.64% Comum |
Backseat Driver
Commandeer 6 vehicles by jumping on them and kicking out the driver |
63.64% Comum |
California Dreamer
Obtain 100% completion in California Cup |
63.64% Comum |
Beat a ghost |
63.64% Comum |
Call Roadside Assistance
Lose a race running out of fuel |
63.64% Comum |
That Was Close
Win a race with less than 0.1s of difference from the runner-up |
63.64% Comum |
One Percenter
Go above and BEYOND, unlocking every trophy in Days Gone |
63.64% Comum |
Burnout Apocalypse
Use nitro and drift at the same time on your bike for at least 5 seconds |
63.64% Comum |
The Broken Roadshow
Unlock over 75% of collectibles |
63.64% Comum |
Best Friends Forever (For Life)
Gain the Allied Trust status with three different Encampments |
63.64% Comum |